Monday, 17 December 2012

Demon's Souls

(Amazing cover artwork.)
Demon's Souls 

               What is Demon's Souls? Well to put it simply it's an RPG that was brought to Europe in 2010, although Sony was skeptic about how the game will sell, that's when publisher Namco Bandai brought the game despite the odds being against them and to Sony's surprise it was a huge success. The game got won a Game Of The Year Nomination on Gamespot and got good reviews overall from IGN, 1Up, Gametrailers, Edge, Euro Gamer Etc.  

               After playing this game for several frustrating hours my deepest respect went to the creators of this game and the publishers that worked so hard for it being released in every region of the world. The nostalgia gates have quickly opened when I started playing  because the game immediately reminded me of games with similar experiences such as: Baldur's Gate, Sacred and Shadows of the Colossus.    

               One word in particular comes to mind when the title of this game is heard and that is: Difficult. Sure it is one of the most difficult games of this modern console generation and for a good reason it punishes you fairly often for every simple mistake, but live long enough and you learn how to improve yourself, to the point where the slightest twitch of a major boss can mean a instant advantage for your next final blow. (I make it sound easy but trust me this game will go out of it's way to make your life incredibly hard)

(They said I can become anything so I became O.P.)
              Punishing as it may be Demon's Souls has a tendency of getting you sucked in with a harsh grasp that defies reality. To you it might seem that you just finished one boss fight but in the real world it has been about an hour and thirty minutes. What I'm trying to say is this game will end up being a huge time spender even tough the world is formed only of 20 some levels and boss fights, but that's exactly what makes the experience so damn rewarding every time you slay a boss of a world and you take his soul and consume it for some more upgrades or stats, or even learn a nifty new spell.

(One of the most amazing boss fights in the game.)

              The constant frustration that you may get is worth it at the end of the trail. The general story is not the best story ever told but it gives a lot of context to the kingdom of Boletaria, and it's king also it does explain why you are ruthlessly hunting down souls. A few boss fights in particular have some very well presented cinematic's with beautiful ambient orchestral music that give this game a very old perspective that appeals to any gamer of the 90's, and like every single gamer kid that grew up in the 90's can tell you most of the problems you will face in this game are regarding the flying enemies. (That's if you didn't make the smart choice and actually chose a character that has some spells or if you aren't a very dexterous character when it comes to wielding a bow)

(So i heard you like spells taste my Soul Arrow b&%*h!!!)
                The best advice I probably can give anyone that starts the game is to chose one of the easier classes such as Royalty, Priest or Magician, because from the beginning spell damage is pretty over powered, but once you had a proper look at the game and see what needs to be done I actually advise you to go ahead and  check the gameplay with some of the melee based characters such as Knight, Soldier of even the Barbarian or Thief, because that is definitely a good challenge. The game does have a new game plus option which is very helpful. Because you might want to  backtrack the miss-able collectibles equipment you couldn't get due to the fact that you were either overburdened or didn't have a proper world tendency that will either open up new ares with loot or give you enemies you might kill for better loot, none the less the option is there if you want it.

                 So what did I learn from my time with Demon's Souls: be careful with your surroundings, be careful of every enemy and for god's sake please play this game with headphones on because the slightest sound will keep you aware of the upcoming dragon's, black phantoms, giant spiders or even rats that hunt in a pack and it will give you a slight upper hand in battle.
(One of the most annoying monsters ever in the most annoyingest cave ever.)
                On that note I will end this weeks review segment and stay tuned for more Delirium in Games during Christmas when I will be posting more reviews for you guys. Feel free to follow me on the Twitters: @GrafRiMaGo, Facebook: Grafrimago and the G+: Grafrimago, and don't forget to message me with any questions you might have.

                Also if you have some time go check out some of the co-hosting stuff I do with my friends Asare and Wiliiam over at: 



Overall Score:


+ The Boss Fight
+ The general Dark Atmosphere
+ The combat system
+ The Soundtrack (especially during the boss fights)
+ The open world environment
+ No checkpoints or quick saves

- The frustration it causes you when you eventually die
- The fact that you lose your precious souls easily 
- The one hit one kill Boss fights
- The bad platforming puzzles 

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