Assassins Creed 3 Review
Ubisoft never learns.
Of course on the other hand you might want to chose the easy way out, then I recommend you watch some video reviews and you will arrive to the same result: Assassins creed was a prototype and Assassins creed 2 was the game that touched all the stones Ubisoft wanted to and also delivered a fine game-play to the consumer, but in my opinion Brotherhood and Revelations added more improvement one the basic Structural plan. During the past 3 installments of the game we fully saw a evolution of Etzio, the adventurous adolescent to master assassins and overall bad-ass who is easily able to be a one man army, and in the latest installment we have Conor.

Connor's character is very complex and often I found relating to him the most because, Etzio had his mother, sister and uncle still alive, Altair had the creed, but this kid is left all by himself and he does the best he can in a crappy situation, he knows he isn't weak and he knows that he has a thirst for blood and that motivates him as much as it did Kratos.
So gameplay wise is where all the problems appeared for me. I had to restart several missions due to the Npcs blocking the characters I meant to follow, the target of one of my assassinations just disappeared in the ground once, and the new alert system screwed with me until I realized that it feels more Batman Arkham City like than Assassins creed.
I prolonged this review more than usual because i needed to replay the game to give my full opinion.

So here it goes: The new game mechanics are okay once you remember how to play games like: Batman or Sleeping Dogs, but it really fucks with you for the first 4-6 sequences. Connor is a brilliant character that i would love to know in depth more than Etzio but instead of having more gameplay with him we get a back story of his parents which is cool in itself but there is absolutely zero reason why that is stretched for 4 main mission sequences. Second of all this game makes you feel like the ultimate killing machine once you learn the new control scheme. Far less weapons than i would love but it's okay we have a bow like every mainstream game this year (yes i fucking said it, and if you don't believe me just check the list of gametrailers with bows: TombRaider, Crisis 3, Assassins Creed, Far Cry 3, Dishonored well the last one technically has a crossbow but never the less this is the year of the bow), but the most fun that i had with the game was hunting down animals for their skins and running around the frontier, and when i wasn't doing that i was freaking blowing up ships like a pirate of the seven seas. The game trows half way trough this a managing resources and marketplace which is never properly explained and is pretty much useless because you never feel like using it.
The end is a sucker punch in the face and makes me feel like Ubisoft is really pushing it's luck with the hardcore fans that they have surrounded themselves over the past 6 years. In the very end the last mission is a disappointment altogether with both Desmond and Connor, and it gives me the impression that the game was cut short, and i do feel like the King George Washington DLC should have been part of the main game, but maybe that's just the nostalgia of having another franchise fucking up with their own creation. In conclusion I would recommend you don't buy it but rent it or borrow it from a friend, or wait until the game of the year edition appears, and maybe then buy it.
Overall Score:
7.2 out of 10.0
Plus:-More Assassins Creed-Soundtrack-Brutal Kills-Connor-Amazing navy battles -Free runing at it's finest
Minus:-Unfinished Story-Changed mechanics-Buggy Npc's-Slow progression
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