Hello one and all, today, I decided to bring some life back by giving you some more information, so strap yourself to the chair and let me tell you what I occupy my personal time with besides playing silly video games:
Nr:1 Grafrimago's YoTube Channel
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(Say it ain't so?) |

(Shameless plug is shameless: http://www.youtube.com/user/GrafRimago)
Nr:2 AfroNinjaX Productions
As I have said once and will say it a million times over: I am the Art Director for AfroNinjaX Productions and that tittle pretty much spells out how overly busy it is. For almost a year me and Mr Asare Prescod have formed this alliance and it has been a non stop thrill ride and we thank everyone for their support and trust me, behind the scenes bigger and better things will come from us in the future both as individuals and as a team. We are still in the early stages of actually forming a business out of what we believe to be good shows, podcast's and videos all together. But yeah you guys can go to that channel and check out all the other stuff we do there in the link bellow.
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(A wild channel has appeared.) |
(AfroNinjaX Productions: http://www.youtube.com/user/AfroNinjaX)
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(Oh it's never enough) |
(AfroNinjaX Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/AfroNinjaXTVlogs1)
Nr:3 Cyber-Shift Novel.
The tittle above says it all. This project started of as a Tv-show script but recently I decide to expand it in to it's own Novel. The action is set in a near Post-Apocalyptic future where the humans have managed to cause their own demise by creating Artificial Intelligence which in therms has evolved so much that it has evolved technology far beyond human comprehension. The main character's name is Ares and he is a retired assassin living a peaceful life together with his wife and two children until the AI decides that the machines should be set free and they pretty much create havoc and destruction altogether. Ares does what he knows best but the machines defeat him easily but keep him alive only to see his family tortured and killed in front of his own eyes. Desperate and hurt he vow's revenge on the machines.
(this project will be done some time during this summer if everything goes perfectly, but i will not post anything up untill it actually gets picked up by a publisher and if it does't I will give it to you guys for free, because that was my intention all along. I always thought that there really aren't enough space sci-fi novels but this idea came to me instead but if everything goes well maybe the next one will be, a space novel as i planed out originaly.)
More info on this will be available as soon as possible.
Nr:4 Project Space Invaders X (it's nothing space invaders related, I just liked the name okay?)
I will be working on a video related project with fellow YouTuber's and Video-game friends enthusiasts and friends of mine. This will be done during spring and will consist of some faces you might already know and might not know but yeah keep an eye on this on the my main channel and the AfroNinjaX channel it will be big, loud and a lot of fun to shoot so I am very excited.
So that is the update I have for you guys today and I hope you guys and thank you for the views and your time it really means a lot to me, and also thank you for the 250 views on the Blog and the YouTube channel. No near mortal words can express my gratitude for you all but I will say it regardless: THANK YOU SO MUCH ZOMFG!!!
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(Aww Hellz yeah ... Studio Gibli + Pokemon -ish gameplay... Sold) |
Peace out!
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(oooooh Issac how I missed ye) |
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