In the 22 odd years I have lived, I have seen 2 generations grow, I have moved 14 times out of which twice I had to relocate to a different country, and I have passed trough the golden age of gaming, which means I still remember every console from the SNES, and SegaMegaDrive till the modern PS3, Xbox360, and Nintendo WiiU.
The old Super Nintendo... |
Some of my best memories. |
When people ask my personal opinion I admit I become, cautious. Why? Well due to the fact that ever since I was 6 years old I gamed and I had the pleasure of having a dad that was how should I put it, a carbon copy of a giant Geek. He had shown me everything that made Geek culture thrive from Star Wars & Ghost Busters to Space Invaders & Contra to Spiderman & Batman to the PS2 era. ( get to the point already)
The PS1 |
The point is dear reader that I believe that games have become better over time and that games will become even more greater over the next 10 years. But Cris how come you say this when companies like THQ are now becoming almost bankrupt and registering a loss? Well it's simple let's take back a trip on old memory lane shall we.
The PS2 |
The PS3 |
Graphics in games have improved at an astonishing rate. In the past 10 years games like Contra lay'd down a path for games like Battlefield 3, plus if you haven't noticed games have a lot more variety in them now. Oh and let's not forget the studios that bring us hours of great story material such as BioWare, Bethesda, Ubisoft etc.(suck it Activision) Sure some of the legendary games still preserve their essence, such as Shadows of Colossus, the old Jack and Dexter series, and the Metal Gear Collection, but this is all due to the HD Remakes that they have received. (which I had embraced with joy) Don't get me wrong but during the 90's we had some of the best games possible, and I hope that, the foundation that those games created is solid enough to carry the wild aspiration of the people who are passionate about them now. Why do I say this? Well I say it because this year has showed us a lot of pain ... THQ, EA and 38 Studios have suffered due to the fact that their games need to sell impossible figures, (i.e Darksiders needed to sell 4 Milion copies world wide, Dead Space 3 needs to sell over 5 Milion copies world wide to get another installment, Kingdoms of Amalur which in general needed to sell like pancakes to become a success, even tough a lot of critics gave it high praise for what it did) and then you have some hundred of layoffs that happened during the year to diverse studios such as IrationalGames (creators of Bioshock) etc.
Contra |
Battlefield |
Is this all bad news? Yes, it is! Should we care about it? Obviously you should. But how do we solve this? Simple by putting your money where your mouth is. If you love so much a game created by one of the developer or publisher that you strongly support just go and buy it. Support those publishers by buying their merchandise and games.
Shadows of the Colosus (if you haven't played it you haven't lived ) |
It pains me to see good studios forced to lay off all their staff members and selling all of their assets and domain names to pay the bank, and it pains me even more to see that Call of Duty still sells more in a single year than all these other Studios who have by far a superior product ...
I cannot even imagine how it is to be the head of a Development team or a Publisher during this age, therefore I would like to place my deepest sympathies to all of the studios and teams that have provided me with all the necessary entertainment over the years, and I wish that all the gaming studios out there good luck and my best regards.
The most amazing boss fight ever. |
On that note I will finish today's DeliriumInGames session and leave you with a question: If there was a gaming studio you supported and suddenly became bankrupt would you do anything to support that studio? And if yes what would you do?
I wish you well and stayed tuned for more delirium in games and fun facts, if you have any questions please leave a comment bellow and I will respond as quick as possible.
Graf out.
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