Writers Notes:
When people ask me what do I believe to be the most overrated games of this curent console generation are, my answer is: 'Games with a post-apocalyptic setting' and 'tactical military shooters', but even tough I am familiar with Naughty Dog as a gaming Developer ever since they created Jak & Daxter, and Crash Bandicoot never in a million years could I imagined that an old dog can show me a few new tricks.
Not only did The Last of Us made it's way to the number one spot in my top 5 games of the year for 2013, it also caught of guard most gaming journalism sites. The big news hounds like IGN and EDGE scored it with a Perfect 10/10, and they even managed to describe the game in one word: 'Masterpiece' and 'Epic'. So before I start I would like to say this much: I strongly believe there is no such thing as a perfect game, nor do I think that a game should ever get a 10/10 even if they re-invent the wheel of a dying genre, but that doesn't mean that I will completely ignore giving this game praise, which, I will, but only where it is due.
The Story:
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(Someone needs to call Bear Grylls) |
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(Honey don't worry I got this) |
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(Say what about my moma'?) |
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(I cried every time) |
Due to the premisses of the game we do see the mother nature taking over everything from urban streets to the big city of Boston, and as I progressed with Joel to walk in the city, this effect kept me at constant alert. (I don't know about you but there isn't anything more surprising than something or somebody running at you from a bush in the middle of an abandoned city. Sounds familiar? Well Will Smith did have a movie similar to this called: I am Legend.)
The more and more we progress trough the story we get to see different citys (from Boston to Pittsburg, etc) and as time progresses we also see that reflect in the world by the changing of the season.
All of these visuals do blend in a perfect sync with the amazing soundtrack provided by the Gustavo Santaolalla, which really accentuates every tone of this cross country adventure.
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(I pop pills more pills than Kurt Cobain) |
Usually at the very end of a console generation we do see developers bring out an amazing tittle such as this, but even tough I gave it high praise and generally enjoyed the 40+ hours I have sunk in to it, but I do understand that the heavy violence and general heavy story can put some people off. (merely writing this game me cancer)
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(No need for an Ambulance while i've got rags and alcohol) |
has ever told, and I guarantee you that you will live an amazing and thrilling ride alongside Naughty Dog's best developed characters. (No offence Sully, I still love you.)
+ The excellent character development
+ Amazing visual graphics
+ The incredible Soundtrack
+ The way the game submerges you in this Post-Apocalyptic world
+ The Strong introduction
(I genuinely have nothing bad to say.... Sigh ... I know there is a first for everything...)
Final Score:
As most of you might know I have openly said I will never give a game a perfect score, ever.
So the final verdict is this:
1 Pipe + 2 Molotov's + 3 Smoke Bombs + 2 Shivs + 2 Arrows= 9.99
This is the first and hopefully not the last time I will be so close to seeing perfection.
But officially I would like to say that the Dog is now on top and I really wish these guys the best of luck in there future projects. I am anticipating there next game with high hopes. Will Quantic Dream match this game with Beyond Two Souls? Maybe. I don't know but if you want to find out my opinion I will be here.
P.S: Please let your opinions be heard in the comment section bellow and share this with your friends and encourage them to speak there mind as well if they want to.
P.S.S: At the end of August I will post my top 5 Game of The Year list. They will not be all PlayStation exclusives I can guarantee you that much.
Thank you for your time. ^_^
And thank God I finally finished this piece. I've had some really bad couple of weeks, due to this article.
Now i'm a HAPPY PANDA!!!
Graf OUT!!!!