Part I - The History
Hello, dear sir, madam, reader and all you other creatures of the internet. First of all I would like to say that I have missed you all dearly and hope you are ready to hear my final opinions about this game.
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(ZOMFG it's Casper) |
After that announcement PlayStation fans were furious and at one point some of them even protested in front of Capcom Stuidos (Japan) with their their PlayStation controllers in the air. Despite all that controversy Devil May Cry 4 sold over 1.45 million copies world wide on PlayStation and 1.25 million copies where also sold on the X-box 360 which made DMC4 one of the best selling games for Capcom for this console generation.
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(I smell fists rapidly firing trough the air.) |
Part II - My opinion
First of all let me tell you that playing this game was a fabulous time and I took so long to write this piece due to me finishing it on 4 separate difficulties, but Dante is back and oh boy he may be younger, he may be less cocky than we remember him but that's the point this game follows our protagonist on his first ever major journey as a demon hunter extraordinaire.
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(Who ever denies that urban art looks silly in games could have never been more wrong in his life.) |
1) There isn't a hard lock on, so don't bother picking up the manual or trying to read it in the booklet like a desperate manic.
2) There are 4 different weapon types: -Angelic = these are quick weapons for crowd control.
-Demon = heavy weapons for shielded enemies.
- The Classic = The Rebelion.
- Ranged = your trusty guns and firing weapons.
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(Around the world with some demon scum.) |
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(Dude I don't know what Ninja Theory's been smoking but got to get me some of that s*%^t) |
As I'm sure that as most of you know once you have defeated the game once usually in a DMC game you unlock some skins and usually there is a Challenge mode (yes i mean the Bloody Palace). Sadly there isn't one in this game but Capcom has already released a statement in which it has declared that the Bloody Palace is coming back as a DLC (downloadable content) and it's free for all the 3 platforms, so for those of you who are looking to create more havoc and mayhem rejoice it is coming soon.
The modes that you can unlock after you finished the game are: Son of Sparda, Dante must die, Heaven or Hell and Hell vs Hell and believe you me at the begining i found these modes harder than the previous DMC games due to the specific enemies that you must kill with specific weapons. (But heck maybe that's just me and I need to adjust my play style)
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(I SSStill got it.) |
Oh and just for the record new Dante isn't Emo, he's hair is just cut short and if anything he looks more like a man now than he ever did with his long hair. (but heck that is my opinion and if you don't like it feel free to comment down bellow, I am very open to her about your criticisms
Score: 9.0/10
+ The aspect of the game
+ More DMC
+ Good Soundtrack
+ A nice selection of weapons of carnage
+ Amazing unlock-able skins
+ The humor
- The lack of a hard lock on button
- The lame end boss fight
- The simplistic aspects of the story
Now if you would like please share this among yourselves feel free.
And to all the haters out there who wouldn't take their head out of the're own God d#&*n a*% and try to put a spin on this:
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(You heard the man.) |