Sunday, 27 January 2013

 D.M.C  Written Review 

Part I - The History 

Hello, dear sir, madam, reader and all you other creatures of the internet. First of all I would like to say that I have missed you all dearly and hope you are ready to hear my final opinions about this game.

(ZOMFG it's Casper)
To start off with, let's take a trip down memory lane and remember that the original Devil May Cry series was original meant to be a Resident Evil game,but Capcom added a few more fictional characters offered it as a PlayStation Exclusive. Despite all that the franchise attracted a new crowd that helped over the years sell more than 7 million copies world wide on PlayStation and thus it had created it's own hard core audience. In early 2008 Capcom announced that the soon to be released Devil May Cry 4 will ship out later that year and it will star a new protagonist and to everyone's amazement it will also be coming out on all platforms.  
After that announcement PlayStation fans were furious and at one point some of them even protested in front of Capcom Stuidos (Japan) with their  their PlayStation controllers in the air. Despite  all that controversy Devil May Cry 4 sold over 1.45 million copies world wide on PlayStation and 1.25 million copies where also sold on the X-box 360 which made DMC4 one of the best selling games for Capcom for this console generation.

(I smell fists rapidly firing trough the air.)
So now that the history lesson of this franchise is over let me tell you that I do not intend to reopen old wounds for the PlayStation fans or to dismiss the X-box fans. The only reason I am giving you these facts is to prove that Devil May Cry is a beloved franchise and we as individuals should get rid of this controversy between Sony-fan-boy's and X-bots. We are all gamer's and love the same game and if you are super passionate about any game you get over that useless hump, and get along. But why Cris why should we? Because misery loves company that's why.

Part II - My opinion

First of all let me tell you that playing this game was a fabulous time and I took so long to write this piece due to me finishing it on 4 separate difficulties, but Dante is back and oh boy he may be younger, he may be less cocky than we remember him but that's the point this game follows our protagonist on his first ever major journey as a demon hunter extraordinaire.

(Who ever denies that urban art looks silly in games could have never been more wrong in his life.)
In the early minutes of the game we are introduced to Kat, a medium, who was send by the leader of the Order to warn Dante about the imminent threat that he faces, as he get's ambushed by a Demon and quickly dragged to Limbo where you are introduced to the combat mechanics that have a familiar feel to the previous games with two exceptions: 

1) There isn't a hard lock on, so don't bother picking up the manual or trying to read it in the booklet like a desperate manic.

2) There are 4 different weapon types:  -Angelic = these are quick weapons for crowd control.
                                                                    -Demon = heavy weapons for shielded enemies.
                                                                    - The Classic = The Rebelion. 
                                                                    -  Ranged = your trusty guns and firing weapons. 

(Around the world with some demon scum.)
Now after the basic introduction to some of the enemies and the abilities of your weapons you may start the chaos and destruction which by the end of the level should result in a boss fight with the Hunter. Once that boss is defeated we manage to get out of Limbo and Kat manages to convince Dante to go to a meet up with the Leader of the Order, a underground organization who is set on uncovering the truth behind the demon kings organization that seems to have sunk it's deadly teeth in everything that humans are related to, from Politics to the localized media. To my surprise he is Virgil, Dante's long lost brother, but don't rejoice the family reunion last short as we are set to go and recuperate our long last memories and once all that is set and done we get a quick plan to overthrow Mundus.

(Dude I don't know what Ninja Theory's been smoking but
got to get me some of that s*%^t)
Now as you can see the is fairly simple and all of the general plot twists can be seen from miles away but the game-play is flawless and the general design of the game especially when you are transported in to Limbo is amazing, and the overtone of the music is perfect for every fighting scene to get you going and coming back for more.

As I'm sure that as most of you know once you have defeated the game once usually in a DMC game you unlock some skins and usually there is a Challenge mode (yes i mean the Bloody Palace). Sadly there isn't one in this game but Capcom has already released a statement in which it has declared that the Bloody Palace is coming back as a DLC (downloadable content) and it's free for all the 3 platforms, so for those of you who are looking to create more havoc and mayhem rejoice it is coming soon.

The modes that you can unlock after you finished the game are: Son of Sparda, Dante must die, Heaven or Hell and Hell vs Hell and believe you me at the begining i found these modes harder than the previous DMC games due to the specific enemies that you must kill with specific weapons. (But heck maybe that's just me and I need to adjust my play style) 

(I SSStill got it.)
Overall I will say that this reboot of DMC should be judged by hardcore DMC fans as a good spin off from the Original series it's not very accurate and it lacks some of the general aspect of the previous one but overall does deliver a good representation of Dante, and Virgil even tough he's past is changed and some of the general back story has been altered. So to any of those of you who want to contest this I will say this: Ninja Theory's DMC is almost as good as Devil May Cry 3 Dante's Awakening, and by no means is it as bad or even worse than the abomination that is known as Devil May Cry 2, so just freaking buy the game and get off your high horse and do us a favor and continue to support your beloved franchise.

Oh and just for the record new Dante isn't Emo, he's hair is just cut short and if anything he looks more like a man now than he ever did with his long hair. (but heck that is my opinion and if you don't like it feel free to comment down bellow, I am very open to her about your criticisms 

Score: 9.0/10

+ The aspect of the game
+ More DMC
+ Good Soundtrack
+ A nice selection of weapons of carnage
+ Amazing unlock-able skins 
+ The humor 

- The lack of a hard lock on button
- The lame end boss fight
- The simplistic aspects of  the story 

Now if you would like please share this among yourselves feel free. 
And to all the haters out there who wouldn't take their head out of the're own God d#&*n a*% and try to put a spin on this:

(You heard the man.)

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Far Cry 3 Review

Far Cry 3 review

First person shooters we all have played at least one of them and know the most oversold game of the decade is one but rejoice people Far Cry 3 is a breath of fresh air to this old crusading gender.

(Don't mind him he just discovered Angry Birds Space)
Far Cry 3 exceeds at what a game should do best and that is having stupid ridiculous fun. From diving out of an airplane and spreading my weasel suit to get to the outpost of another island to hunting down a tiger or a bear with an explosive arrow.

Ubisoft have managed to somehow make what on paper sounded like one of the worst ideas in history to memorable moments. One of those examples is the intro, the first ever mission with the flamethrower, the introduction to Vas and of course the moments when your character over exceeds in the realm of hallucinogen's. 

(First Blood ...)
The game mechanics and physics engine deliver an extraordinary view of the jungle, wildlife and water especially but the texture of the ground fall slightly short and once you hit the ocean even the waters textures seem to fade slightly but truthfully i didn't pay attention to any of the details until the very end of the game when i fell imminently to my doom from a glider due to my own stupidity."

(You on a boat? No problem let me show you my little friend)
So for all it's worth this game is awesome and it's one of my favourite games of this year, and to be honest the pure insanity moments of this game make up for the lack of story and some of the more none believable moments.(aka giants, human torches) Another of the most defining feature is the crafting system that is simple and useful to make you aware of how easy it is for you to survive more efficiently if you have more bullets in your backpack or how many things you can buy when you have more money in your wallet.

(Get a Tattoo they said, it won't show they said ... )
The only two problems that i have with the game are with some of the mechanics and the fact that there is far to less Vas ( the villain in front cover).

(And The Black Eye'd Peas Are now complete)
Now out of the two problems I have one is insane for the simple fact that there will be times in the game when you will be on fire, nearing death ever so slowly and some pirates will shoot at you and all of a sudden a wild tiger appears and you analyse the situation and you press hold on the heal button and you die because you are putting out the fire that has been burning your flesh, then you try to evade the bullets which is insanity in itself and finally the trigger kills you while you were trying to heal your wounds.
(Damn Will I Am from this angle you look like Blade)

Let me just say that this has been for me the sleeper hit of the year 2012, and hope that I could shed some light for those of you that have a sour taste for anything that is branded Ubisoft, because this game does deserve to not suffer for the mistakes of Assassins Creed 3.

Score: 9.0


+ overall fun game experience
+ memorable moments
+ beautiful surroundings
+ bow that fires grenade arrows
+ enough side quests to keep you coming back for more
+ multiplayer with a story

- some of the game mechanics

- npc's that repeat themselves
- the lack of story
- the short living of Vas